Welcome to the world of seo. As internet marketting becoming popular day by day and the nubmer of websites are increasing at a rapid pace, it is extremely difficult get your website
noticed in the ocean of internet. Earlier, When we used to start making a site the only concept used to revolve in the mind of the webmaster is to how to make the site look good. Logos, banners and an eye catchy color combination were the only priorities. Then they comes to the website development by using scripts, programming languages, flash and so on.
Of course, desgining and development of the site is its base, but when the duo end, SEO starts. SEO is simply used to make your site visible across the net and rank it in the top position among the various search engines. To acheive this we need to utilize a number of seo techniques and tools. Below is a tool which is quite underrated in the internet marketting world but is of great use.
It's my first post and I would like to share a google position checker
Just enter the keyword and url, and it will show the google position of your site :)